The tomorrow reset

20160111 The tomorrow reset

Today may not be going to plan.

The report didn’t get finished.

Your meeting was interrupted.

No lunch…too busy.

The car won’t start when it’s time to go home.

The auto assistance guy isn’t able to help.

It’s too late to be towed anywhere useful.

The train and bus seem to take forever to get home.

On the bright side, your partner has gone all out on the evening meal to surprise you.

The meal is ruined by the time you get home.

Up late on the computer…working.

Today may not have gone to plan.

You get a reset.

Rest, recover and ready yourself again.

Tomorrow won’t be like today.

Is it working?

20160110 Is it working

What are you doing that isn’t working?

Are you getting the intended results?

Results are outcomes of your processes.

If you are not getting the results, if things are not working, then examine your processes.

Get processes working to get the results!


20160107 Resilience

How is your resilience?

What are your coping mechanism to reinforce your resilience?

You can build resilience.

Building your ability to adapt and tackle adversity.

Growing and nurturing your resilience will enable you to nurture and grow.


Little wins

Little wins

Celebrate the little wins:

  • Consecutive days at the gym
  • A small client
  • The first step in learning something new
  • A conversation with your teenage daughter
  • The first course of a qualification
  • Introducing a small change
  • Reading the first chapter
  • The first downpayment
  • Saving a small amount
  • The first day of a new habit

Little wins lead to progress and bigger wins.

Start Small

Don’t think you are good at change?  Simply start small!

Take a different route to work.  Try a new coffee shop or lunch venue.  Don’t listen to your normal radio station.  Do a priority piece of work before opening your emails.  Watch a movie you wouldn’t normally go and see.  Talk to someone at the bus stop (yep, this one is frightening).