The resolve to start

You can start a resolution any day.

No need to wait for the new year.

You are able to start over at any time.

Or stop doing something whenever.

You just need the “resolve” part of a resolution.

You can resolve to eat more healthily with the next meal.

You can resolve to start walking tomorrow.

Or even today.

You can resolve to read that book you’ve been meaning to get around to.

You can resolve to start a new habit.

Or stop a bad habit.

You can resolve to do anything at any time.

You just need the resolve to start.


“How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them.” – Benjamin Franklin


In the path of opportunity

How are you standing in the path of opportunity?

Take a risk.

Create a partnership.


Be visible.

Pay attention.

Take the initiative.


Get clear on what you want.

Demonstrate your skill.

Join a group or association.

Go the extra mile.

Understand coming changes.


Lean in.

Start a project.

Be prepared.

Are the opportunities finding you?


“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

– Thomas Edison


Your gift

What is your unique gift?

The thing that is undeniably you.

An ingrained capability.

An extraordinary skill.

An unusual aptitude.

An individual talent.

An exceptional ability

A specific proficiency.

A distinct strength.

A particular bent.

A special quality.

A certain knack.

This is the gift you bring.

To others.

To the world.

Share generously.


“The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hearing vs. listening

Hearing happens.

Listening is a choice.

Hearing is sound.

Listening is skill.

Hearing requires presence.

Listening requires concentration.

Hearing is noise.

Listening is nuance.

Hearing is content.

Listening is context.

Hearing is passive.

Listening is active.

Hearing takes place.

Listening is intentional.

Hearing is subconscious

Listening is conscious.

Hearing perceives words.

Listening discerns meaning.