The body you have

The body is amazing.

Appreciate what your body can do for you.

Appreciate what is required to nurture it.

Listen to your body.

Pay attention to what it is telling you.

Look after the body you have.

It enables you to do amazing things.

Until it doesn’t.


“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn

“Honor the physical temple that houses you by eating healthfully, exercising, listening to your body’s needs and treating it with dignity and love.” – Wayne W. Dyer


Dramatising the downside

It hasn’t happened yet.

It may not happen at all.

And it usually doesn’t.

Yet there is worry for an imagined outcome.

A dramatising of the downside.

Stop the worry.

Little use worrying about something that may never happen.


“There are more things … likely to frighten us than there are to crush us; we suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” – Seneca


When you are ready, not before

The thing you need will show up when you are ready.

It might have been in view earlier.

But you weren’t ready or looking for it.

So it never came into focus.

It appears when you are ready.

Not before.









It’ll all be available to you … when you are ready.


“When you’re ready, nothing can stop you. If something’s stopping you, you’re not ready.” ― Drew Gerald

“When the student is ready the teacher appears. When the question is asked then the answer is heard. When we are truly ready to receive then what we need will become available.” — John Gray


Ah … Procrastination

Ah … Procrastination, my ol’ companion.

“Can I stay?”

I rather you didn’t.

“You know you like having me around.”

Not really, you just creep in and find ways to stay.

“I wouldn’t be here unless you invited me.”

I need to be doing something else.

“It’s probably really important, isn’t it?”

Yes, so perhaps another time.

“Yeah but look at this over here!”

That’s not helping me.

“It’ll take your mind off doing that other thing.”

Okay, where did the time go?

“You’ve spent some quality time with me.”

Right, you need to go.

“Can’t I stay a little longer.”

No, that really is enough!

“I’ll be back though.”

Yes, it seems you inevitably will.


“Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.” – Christopher Parker

“Procrastination is, hands down, our favorite form of self-sabotage.” – Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby

“A day can really slip by when you’re deliberately avoiding what you’re supposed to do.” – Bill Watterson, the author and artist of Calvin and Hobbes.