I don’t know

It’s okay to say, “I don’t know”.

Saying so can be positive.

It doesn’t waste time.

It opens possibility

It doesn’t pretend.

You don’t have to guess.

It provides a release, especially if you don’t know.

It’s authentic.

It can be the smartest thing you say.

There is no nonsense.

No need to hide.

It saves time.

Stimulates curiosity.

Forces things to be figured out.

Clarifies what you need to find out.

Feel free to use “I don’t know” more often.


“The more I learn, the more I realise how much I don’t know.” – Albert Einstein


Your words

You are not responsible for what others say.

Others might say things that are rash, reckless or rude.

You are responsible though, for what you say.

You get to choose your words (and how you say them).

Words are powerful.

Be intentional with them.


“Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.” – Robin Sharma


Love what you do

You will need to love what you do.

You will need to have passion.

A purpose.

Because that will keep you going.

When things aren’t going right.

When it feels like you are not making progress.

When pushing through barriers.

When dealing with challenging people.

When you don’t know how to do it.

When you start to stress.

When it gets hard.

When you are close to giving up.

When you are tired and don’t what to anymore.

When these things happen, having passion and purpose will get you though.

You will need to love what you do.

Do you?


“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs


Barriers holding you back

What barriers have you put on yourself?

The barriers that are holding your back?

You may be comparing yourself to others.

You might think you’re not good enough.

Or thought something impossible for yourself.

Placed a self-determined restriction.

Perhaps you think you don’t deserve it.

What are you potentially talking yourself out of?

Negative self-talk supports these barriers, such as…

… can’t.

… couldn’t.

… don’t.

… won’t.

… wouldn’t.

… shouldn’t.

You start boxing yourself in.

Intentionally or not, the outcome is still the same.

You are holding yourself back.

So what barriers have you put on yourself?

The same person that put them there is the one to take them down.


Taking it to the next level

You’ve decided it’s time to take it to the next level?

What is it going to take for you to get there?

Is it new thinking?

A new skill?

Additional resources?

Talking to the right person?

Automating a process?

Acquiring more knowledge?

Acquiring more technology?

Different technology?

Doing everything differently?

Doing things the same, but faster?

Okay, you’ve thought through what you will need to take it to the next level.

That’s good.

Now how are you going to stay there?