React or respond

20160825 React or respond

React or respond.

The choice is yours.

You can react.

Without thought.

In the moment.

Being impulsive.

Without control.

A reaction is likely to trigger another reaction.

Or you can respond.

With awareness.

With a pause.

Be deliberate.

In control.

A response is likely to trigger a further response.

You have a choice.

Will you react or respond?

Hope you’re listening

20160811 Hope you’re listening

When you listen, people talk.

You will have deep, rich conversations.

Conversations you might otherwise never have.

People will inform, clarify, share.

People will advise, enlighten, inspire.

People will train, coach, mentor.

When you listen, really listen, you will hear much more than is said.

Hope you’re listening.

So you fell off

20160804 So you fell off

Okay, so you fell off.

Maybe you…

…fell off the diet.

…fell flat on your face.

…fell off the wagon.

…fell off your bike.

…fell off the training plan.

…fell from grace.

…fell out of favour.

Or the classic…fell off your horse.

So you fell.

Pick yourself up and go again.