Look for the message

20160526 Look for the message

Positive feedback is easy.

It’s agreeable.

Much more palatable than negative feedback.

Accepting negative feedback is less easy.

Calling it constructive feedback may not help either.

Maybe it comes in the form of criticism.

Maybe it wasn’t the right time.

The right time for you to hear it.

Maybe it’s the way it is delivered.

Regardless of how it is conveyed, what is the message?

Peel away the delivery to find the lesson.

Look for the message.

Now you can do something with it.


20160519 Interactions

You have interactions every day.

Face to face interactions.

Phone interactions.

Interactions that can brighten your day.

Email interactions.

Online Interactions.

Interactions that can frustrate.

Interactions on the road.

Interactions in the street.

Interactions that can lift you.

Interactions when shopping.

Interactions with a group.

Interactions that can deplete you.

Bus stop interactions.

Family interactions.

People will interact with you every day.

You get to choose how you interact with them.

Will people leave your interaction depleted or brightened?

Moving the goal posts

20160512 Moving the goal posts

The goal posts will be moved.

The plan will be set and then change.

The boss will reverse a decision.

Your submission will be rejected.

The price will be fixed, but not just yet.

The date will be pushed out.

The strategy will be modified.

The client will want a different colour.

The scope will creep.

These things will happen.

You will think you’re done…and then you’re not.

Things you do best


20160505 Things you do best

There will be things you are not good at.

There will be others better at things than you will ever be.

Let them help you.

They’ve got their strengths, you’ve got yours.

Offset your weakness with their strength.

It will enable you to play longer at the things you do best.