
When enough is enough

20160721 When enough is enough

When will you have had enough?

Enough of the contradictions.

Enough of the changes.

Enough of the let-downs.

Enough of being underutilised.

Enough of the miscommunication.

Enough stress.

Enough delays.

Enough promises.

Enough waste.

Enough disappointment.

When will enough be enough?

What will you do when you’ve had enough?

Reset yourself

20160714 Reset yourself

When we overload our various technologies, they don’t work so well.

When we overload ourselves, we won’t work so well either.

Just like our technology, sometimes a reset is needed.

How you reset is up to you.

Take a well-earned holiday.

Learn something new.

Get back to what is important.


Refine your goals.

Find your calling.

Have a change of scenery.

Take more time for yourself.

Do a passion project.

Focus on the few (rather than the many).

Get out into nature.

Just chill out.

Reset yourself.

What do you do repeatedly?

20160623 What do you do repeatedly

You are what you repeatedly do.

Your behaviours, your habits, your routines.

These are impacting your current results.

Results both intended and unintended.

So what behaviours, habits, routines are working for you?

Can those habits be applied to areas that are not working so well?

Would you like to change your results?

Change what you repeatedly do.

How you see the world

20160616 How you see the world

How do you see the world?

Are you the optimist?

Are you the pessimist?

There are those that see the glass half full.

And those that see it half empty.

Do you see the silver lining?

Or the dark clouds?

The bright side?

Or the gloom?




What is your perspective?

How you see the world affects how you see the world.

Your sources of…

20160609 Your sources of....

What are your sources of inspiration?

How do you maintain motivation?

Where do you get your ideas?

From the books you read?

The podcasts you listen to?

People you mix with?

Magazines purchased?

E-magazine subscriptions?



The web?

Social media?

Audio CDs?

Song lyrics?








If you are struggling for inspiration, or motivation or ideas…

…change your sources.

Look for the message

20160526 Look for the message

Positive feedback is easy.

It’s agreeable.

Much more palatable than negative feedback.

Accepting negative feedback is less easy.

Calling it constructive feedback may not help either.

Maybe it comes in the form of criticism.

Maybe it wasn’t the right time.

The right time for you to hear it.

Maybe it’s the way it is delivered.

Regardless of how it is conveyed, what is the message?

Peel away the delivery to find the lesson.

Look for the message.

Now you can do something with it.


20160519 Interactions

You have interactions every day.

Face to face interactions.

Phone interactions.

Interactions that can brighten your day.

Email interactions.

Online Interactions.

Interactions that can frustrate.

Interactions on the road.

Interactions in the street.

Interactions that can lift you.

Interactions when shopping.

Interactions with a group.

Interactions that can deplete you.

Bus stop interactions.

Family interactions.

People will interact with you every day.

You get to choose how you interact with them.

Will people leave your interaction depleted or brightened?