Shoulder surgery on HorrieM’s dominant right arm has put the ability to illustrate on hiatus for six weeks. So we’ll be delving into the archives and returning to where it all started with the first six posts of the HorrieM Blog. Both the writing style and illustrations have evolved over the years. Looking back, everything is a bit raw and a little cringeworthy … but what the heck!
[Week 5 of 6] Okay … having a play around with some additional characters and the paint brush feature for day five of the original 30 posts in 30 days challenge. If you look closely, the guy with the moustache has the same head as the blue man, ha! The message remains a good one. Anyone feeling boxed in?
Have you defined your own box?
Have others defined the box for you?
Are there others defining a new box for you?
A box that still isn’t yours?
Break the mould.
Do it your way.
Don’t let others box you in.
Don’t box yourself in.