Shoulder surgery on HorrieM’s dominant right arm has put the ability to illustrate on hiatus for six weeks. So we’ll be delving into the archives and returning to where it all started with the first six posts of the HorrieM Blog. Both the writing style and illustrations have evolved over the years. Looking back, everything is a bit raw and a little cringeworthy … but what the heck!
[Week 4 of 6] This would have been day four of the 30 posts in 30 days challenge. There was an intention from the outset to develop a practice, sometimes at the expense of the product. After all, no one even knew I had a blog at this stage. I think it’s safe to say, this is not some of my best work. I’m restraining myself to fix it. Short on words and some simple shapes drawn quickly. “The blue man” is starting to morph into what he will later become, though he seems a bit short changed for legs at this point. Still, this again resonates with current circumstances.
So … is it important?
How important?
If important enough, time will make way for it.
Amazing how the time can be found when it’s important enough.