The pieces on the playing board are still moving.
Though that doesn’t really matter.
Because even the board has not settled yet.
So, what can you do?
You can go play on a separate board you know.
One you have played with before and understand.
With all the known pieces.
You can wait for the board to settle.
If it does, then you can see what pieces are left to play with.
If it doesn’t, then this is now the new evolving playing board.
You’ll have to find the pieces and work with what you’ve got.
You can assist with settling the board.
Working with the pieces and (re-)establishing the rules of the game.
Or, you can design your own totally new playing board.
With any many, or as few, pieces as you like.
It’s your move.
“Business is like a giant game of chess: you have to make strategic moves, and learn quickly from your mistakes.” – Richard Branson
“Don’t try to beat the competitors at their own game. You have to invent a new game – and master it.” – Reid Hoffman