Shoulder surgery on HorrieM’s dominant right arm has put the ability to illustrate on hiatus for six weeks. So we’ll be delving into the archives and returning to where it all started with the first six posts of the HorrieM Blog. Both the writing style and illustrations have evolved over the years. Looking back, everything is a bit raw and a little cringeworthy … but what the heck!
[Week 3 of 6] It appears “the blue man” did own a shirt at one stage … huh! Day three of the 30 posts in 30 days challenge introduced the first instance of what has become the usual left justified, almost poem-like writing style. Though I can’t remember exactly, I suspect inspiration came from a second consecutive day at the gym (that I also suspect didn’t last) and having a real conversation with a teenage daughter.
Celebrate the little wins:
- Consecutive days at the gym
- A small client
- The first step in learning something new
- A conversation with your teenage daughter
- The first course of a qualification
- Introducing a small change
- Reading the first chapter
- The first down payment
- Saving a small amount
- The first day of a new habit
Little wins lead to progress and bigger wins.