Nope, I will not always be at my best.
And that’s okay.
I may stay up too late.
Perhaps there is not much on tomorrow.
I may sleep in (for the same reason).
Breakfast could either be a feast … or nothing.
I have been known to disappear into social media.
I open the fridge and then close it again.
Then check the pantry.
I might read a book longer than intended.
Spend time and talk with my family.
The day might start with a loose plan (or no plan).
I might look inside the fridge again.
Then the pantry again.
I may have a long chat on the phone.
Or eat all the chocolate.
Perhaps walk the dog.
I might watch a movie (there are so many ways).
I’ll examine the fridge again.
Nope, the answer is definitely not in there (it rarely is).
I might do some household chores.
Take too many breaks.
Keep putting off what I should be doing.
And that’s okay.
These distractions may be what is needed.
Or they may not.
Then I’ll refocus and go again.
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein
“Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.” – Jim Rohn
“The answer is not in the fridge.” – HorrieM