There are choices to be made when packing.
It is likely you will not be able to fit it all in.
Consider what to leave out.
There are choices to be made when restocking your fridge or pantry.
There are numerous items that could be selected to replenish both.
Be deliberate about what to leave out.
There are choices to be made on how you fill your day.
The world, your world, is busy and there are always things to be done.
Be intentional on what to leave out.
What possibilities will you pack into your life?
Consider, be deliberate and be intentional.
Particularly on what to leave out.
“Start a ‘Stop Doing’ list. I’ll leave it as an existential dilemma on whether to put that task on your To Do list.” – Jim Collins
“The real art is knowing what to leave out, not what to put in.” – Steve Jobs
“Knowing what to leave out is just as important as knowing what to focus on.” – Warren Buffett