George is not the process

How do you ensure you never run out?

What is the process?

Weekly stocktake.

Repeat standing order.

Minimum trigger levels.

Kanban ordering system.

Visual inspection.

Flag when the last one is taken.

Or does it rely on George?

George is a great guy.

Also, George sometimes forgets.

Or goes on holiday.

Might change job.

Could be absent (for a variety of reasons).

Or George could just stop doing it.

And now you have run out.

With a realisation.

George was the process.


“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing.” – W. Edwards Deming


“Authority should be vested in the people doing the work to improve their own processes, to teach them how to measure them, to understand them, and to improve them. Amen to the idea that employees shouldn’t have to ask permission. They should have the right to improve their own work processes.” – Steve Jobs


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