You know you need to change.
You know what needs to be done.
To break an unhealthy habit.
To change the default action.
To replace a detrimental behaviour.
The old needs to be replaced with the new.
New creates a new neural pathway in the brain.
But the old neural pathway, old habit, is well established.
The old pathway is like a highway.
The new neural pathway is a dirt track.
Continuing with the new behaviour will build the pathway.
It becomes a lane.
Will power and self-motivation is required.
It becomes a road.
Focus and repetition.
A new highway is built.
The new habit now has a strong pathway to drive on.
What neutral highways are you building?
“For things to change, you have to change.” – Jim Rohn
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”– Jim Rohn
“We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.” – Jim Rohn
(I couldn’t decide which Jim Rohn quote to include … so I went with all of them.)